Information for Students
Dress Code
Dress code helps in creating a sense of uniformity in an institution which is inhabited by people belonging to diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Hence, college students are required to adhere to the defined dress code while engaging in academic activities in the campus such as attending lectures or working in laboratories.
Students are normally expected to attend all classes. Minimum physical attendance required is 75% by the College. Any student not fulfilling the required attendance may be debarred from appearing in the examinations.
General Rules
- Students should come in proper prescribed uniform.
- Students should always keep their identity card with them.
- Students should abide by all the rules and regulations of the College.
- In the library, strict discipline and rules are to be followed.
- If any student is found in-disciplined inside or outside the college, strict action will be taken against him as per the rules.
- Students should attend the minimum prescribed number of classes in each semester without relaxation on any ground.